20-11-2011. dh sebulan berlalu tp br nk update pasal date nh..huhu
im pretty sure date twenty eleven nh ramai yg kawen sbb date nh cntik kan..my closest cousin Nieja. get married on that day.
Date : 20112011
Venue : Permaisuri, Setiu
20-11-2011 !!! its our 6th anniversary. :) me and mr fiance have been together for 6 years. Alhamdullillah..on that date, mr fiance xde kt kb..so wish dari jauh jela..1 week after, die blk kb. i buat surprise tempah cupcake dan kuar mkn2 je area kb nh..
Thank you for being there for me in every way possible.
Thank you for challenging me.
Thank you for pushing me to pursue my dreams.
Thank you for encouraging and supporting me.
Thank you for challenging me.
Thank you for pushing me to pursue my dreams.
Thank you for encouraging and supporting me.
Thank you for being patient with me.
Thank you for listening to me... Really listening.
Thank you for accepting my past, and dreaming with me about my future.
Thank you for forgiving me when I screw up.
Thank you for always wanting what's best for me.
Thank you for being selfless and putting my needs before your own.
Thank you for praying for me.
Thank you for taking me as I am.
Thank you for loving me... All of me.
-The End-